It appears that connecting with nature & its elements helps us to lower our blood pressure and stress hormone cortisol which eventually calms body’s fight-flight response.

Looking for a simple way to reduce stress, anxiety and depression? Just go for a walk in nature. Sounds too simple right? While there are a lot of complicated and expensive ways too, but why not start with what’s natural, easy and accessible to us at all times. There is a nature all around us. Infact, we might not have noticed but WE are also nature. Hence, we are incomplete without nature around us. The way identical twins are known to connect mentally and emotionally, we are connected with nature & absolutely incomplete without its presence.
Conversing with people, going for walks in nature, sitting at the beach, enjoying the sunset, witnessing flock of birds, sight of a full moon, walking on grass barefoot, watering your plants, breathing fresh air are few examples of connecting more with nature. Connecting with nature helps to create a synchronization between our mind, body and soul within us and with other natural elements.
Nature has the power to absorb and has therapeutic effects. It appears that connecting with nature & its elements helps us to lower our blood pressure and stress hormone cortisol which eventually calms body’s fight-flight response. There could be times we are not surrounded with nature so often because of the city we might live in. In which case, listening to nature based music, doing visualization meditation and creating unique ways such as maintaining indoor plants can help us to calm and relax ourselves.
Nature has a healing power which helps us to heal our anger, stress, anxiety, negativity and pain to a great extent. It helps us to live a happier, healthier life and nourishes our relationships. Relationships are healthier when our being & minds are healthier. Go back to your relation with yourself & your loved ones and witness your thoughts when there are arguments, disagreements, conflicts and fights. Spending majority of our time running behind our dreams, ambition, city life & desires might help us to keep going but it also asks for a price – price in the form of tiredness, exhaustion, depression, anxiety and sadness, either all or some. While we are now used to it, we need to create new ways to bring in positivity, upliftment and joy. Because this will help us to heal our relation with us and eventually with our loved ones.
There is actually nothing wrong with our relationships. Its just that you can’t expect water to flow from the tap which is empty. Nature will help you to fill your tap with abundance and eventually it starts to heal you and your relationships. Just going for walks with your loved ones or sitting on the beach, watching stars and enjoying a breeze - helps you to heal those aspects of relationship which we can’t even solve by communicating. Nature helps in overall wellbeing with better physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.